Microwave Oatmeal Recipe Quick and Easy | BestRecipeBox.com
Microwave Oatmeal Recipe collage

Our Microwave oatmeal recipe is a game changer. No more than sticking to pan and scrubbing dishes. You'll be hooked!

Microwave Oatmeal Recipe in bowl with spoon

Microwave Oatmeal Recipe

Nosotros love oatmeal for breakfast and have information technology several times a calendar week. But since we started making oatmeal in the microwave, at that place'due south no turning dorsum! Wow, the results are fantastic. Afterward y'all empathize your specific microwave wattage and power, you'll be making perfect oatmeal once more and again. The erstwhile fashioned rolled oats cook plump and perfect. Information technology'south and so delicious and fluffy, not mushy when you're using whole oats. This recipe does not work for quick oats considering those have a tendency to come out mushy.

Microwave Oatmeal Recipe in bowl with spoon

Video: Making Easy Oatmeal in the Microwave with Old-Fashioned Oats

Breakfast just got easier & more delicious. Microwaving old-fashioned oats for a quick breakfast is super piece of cake and tastes bang-up. No extra pans to launder and the texture is perfect.

How to Cook Oatmeal in Microwave

  • Brand certain y'all're using onetime fashioned rolled oats or whole oats. We love the Bob'south Ruby Mill brand of One-time Fashioned Rolled Oats.
  • Every microwave has a dissimilar power level, so make sure your microwave is set at the default "loftier" power.
  • Don't forget to add a bit of table salt. This really brings out the flavor of the oatmeal.
  • Employ a bowl that is a little deeper or bigger than the corporeality of oatmeal you lot are cooking. This will allow more room for the oatmeal to expand and get fluffy.
  • Add together a trivial milk at the cease of the oatmeal is even so a niggling dry. Leaving oatmeal covered while still hot with a microwave safe plate or cover will assistance the oatmeal soak up excess moisture and become fluffy.
  • All microwave oatmeal recipe details are in the recipe box below.

Quick Oats vs. Quondam Fashioned Oats?

Our microwave oatmeal recipe uses old fashioned oats because you'll take better texture and seize with teeth. Quick oats volition be mushy because of the manner they're processed. Quick oats are rolled thinner and pre-cooked for longer, which makes them quicker to cook but mushy. That'southward why our recipe is for old fashioned oats because you have a much better texture. But if you want to use quick oats, just look that the results will be mushier oatmeal.

Microwave Oatmeal Recipe in bowl with spoon
Microwave Oatmeal Recipe Quick and Easy | BestRecipeBox.com

Microwave Easy Oatmeal with Old-Fashioned Oats

This is for Former Fashioned Whole Grain Rolled Oats (dissimilar brands will employ some variation of that – Rolled Oats, Old Fashioned Oats, Whole Oats, etc.) Do not utilize Instant or Quick Oats. They will cook mushy using this technique.

All microwaves cook differently even if they are of the same size and wattage. Y'all might need to adjust your cooking time. After you cooked your first batch, you'll know what time is best for your specific microwave and personal sense of taste.

Prevent your screen from going night

  • 1/ii cup (twoscore one thousand) rolled oats (quondam fashioned oats)
  • 3/iv cup (180 ml) water
  • pinch salt

Topping Ideas

  • Chocolate-brown Sugar
  • Dearest
  • Fresh or Stale Berries
  • Beloved
  • Milk
  • Microwave

  • Add the oats, water, and salt in a microwave safe basin. Stir to combine.

  • Microwave on High for 2 minutes. Let stand for another 2 minutes (if you lot need to remove the basin from the microwave while it it continuing – cover to allow the steam to continue cooking). Stir to fluff the oatmeal. If the oats are drier then you prefer, add together a tablespoon of h2o or so and microwave for another xxx seconds.

  • Terminate with whatever desired toppings.

Refer to Your Microwave Transmission for Safety & Cooking Guidelines

General microwave cooking fourth dimension notes:

  • 600-800w – Lower Wattage Microwaves: More fourth dimension often needed
  • 900-1100w – Average Wattage Microwaves
  • 1200-1300w – High Wattage Microwaves: Less time often needed

Microwave Safety Containers & Lids

  • Microwave safe glass (peculiarly borosilicate drinking glass) & ceramic containers are the recommended choice. *Do non use cracked or otherwise damaged containers.
  • Microwave safety plastic containers are considered safe by the FDA simply many health organizations circumspection against using them.
  • Never use plastics (containers, bags, wrap, etc.) that are non labeled microwave safe. Never apply styrofoam, metal, or aluminum foil.
  • Lids – microwave safe glass, ceramic or silicone is all-time. A microwave safe plate works slap-up every bit a lid. Parchment newspaper, wax paper, or newspaper towels work fine, only may non agree the steam in as much (many recipes benefits from the steam retentivity). Microwave rubber plastic lids are considered acceptable. Usually we prefer to utilise a lid from drinking glass, ceramic, or silicone and just utilise the microwave prophylactic plastic lids that come with the containers for storing.

Calories: 154 kcal , Carbohydrates: 27 g , Protein: five g , Fat: three g , Saturated Fat: 1 one thousand , Sodium: xi mg , Potassium: 147 mg , Fiber: 4 one thousand , Sugar: 1 g , Calcium: 26 mg , Fe: 2 mg

Other Great Microwave Breakfast Recipes

  • Microwave Sausage and Eggs
  • Microwave Sausage and Vegetable Egg Scramble
  • Cheese Microwave Omelette in Bowl
  • Quick Microwave Sausage Egg Breakfast Burrito

Love to learn more than almost our microwave recipes using fresh ingredients? Check out all our recipes in the microwave for breakfast, dejeuner, snacks and dinner. Information technology's super piece of cake to learn how to cook fresh and wholesome meals in the microwave. It'southward not just for reheating and this apparatus definitely needs more credit for cooking real food in minutes. If you make any of our recipes, please share with us in the comments below. Or share your photo with us on social media. We'd beloved to see!